Dacia Dailey
I first came across the Tobacco Valley seventeen years ago, it was a cool clean crisp morning, that turned into the warmest fall day. The landscape was full of vibrant colors, and the town of Eureka really reminded me of where I grew up. I decided right then and there I wanted to call this place home. I was fresh off a fishing boat from Alaska and barely eighteen. I was living out of my VW bus, and on a road trip, so I stayed. I can't say it enough I love this place, and its people. The beauty found everyday, and the kindness of the hard working people, keeps me here. I don't want to be anywhere else. There is truly a sense of community, you can feel it.
I am so happy to raise my children here, my son is Riley, and my daughter is Josie. I work out of my home, Simply Josephine is my business. I create all kinds of things, but mostly its handmade soaps and aprons. Photography has been something I have always enjoyed, and taking pictures is a big part of my business. Plus this is such an incredibly beautiful place, why not click away.