Dacia Dailey
I first came across the Tobacco Valley seventeen years ago, it was a cool clean crisp morning, that turned into the warmest fall day. The landscape was full of vibrant colors, and the town of Eureka really reminded me of where I grew up. I decided right then and there I wanted to call this place home.

Alice b Elrod
I moved here to work for the Forest Service 26 years ago with all of my worldly belongings jammed into my VW Bug. One of the first things I recall my supervisor asking me was “Do you have a rig?” A rig?” I said, “well, I have a car.”

Gary Montgomery
I hold to the belief that where one chooses to live is every bit as important as the means by which they earn a living. If one is happy with both then they are truly fortunate. As for me, I became enchanted with the Rocky Mountains decades ago while pursuing a degree in wildlife biology at Colorado State University.

Dawn Peterson
I was raised in the jungle by apes. You’re not buying that, I’m betting. Not raised by wild animals, I did grow up in a rural area north of Chicago surrounded by a maze of corn. There’s a reason for the horror movie Children of the Corn.

Arri Sendzimir
My relocation to northwest Montana is all Win Parker’s fault. She spent the better part of her young adulthood searching the country for the perfect place to live, described as: vast expanses of wilderness, abundant good friends, safe schools, healthy food, state-of-the-art social supports, job opportunities, and (of course) good restaurants and theater. She found it in northwest Montana and settled in Trego, where she and her husband started a family.